怎样报名参加2024年4月美国海关报关师考试? 需要哪些必备的参考资料 ?


東海岸、西海岸全美電子報關, 超過25年專業經驗
--- Grace 小姐

東海岸、西海岸、全球海運, 超過13年專業經驗
--- Candy小姐

JFK便捷全球空運, 超過12年專業經驗
--- Kevin先生

--- Tina小姐, 超過15年專業經驗

就业志向比较高的人士, 大學生想成為報關師
--- Dr. Zhang, Ph.D. from New York University, 已培養超过890名康捷學員成為報關師

Freight Forwarder公司轉換成物流與報關公司, 很多家洛杉矶与纽约物流公司已经在康捷的帮助下成功升级为实力更强的物流与报关公司
--- Dr. Zhang

--- Dr. Zhang

--- Dr. Zhang

--- Dr. Zhang

美女报关师刘老师权威讲解: 怎样成为年收入12万美元的海关报关师 ?

美女海关报关师刘老师讲解报关师考试教程(I), 美国华人抢着听

美女报关师刘老师讲解美国海关报关师考试教程(II), 概念准确, 吐字清晰, 讲课生动, 深受广大学员的喜爱

How Did Miss Venus Become a Licensed Customs Broker in 2018 ?


为什么学报关应该选择康捷美国金钥匙 ?

学报关当然要跟华人报关师培训祖师爷康捷学, 难道要跟康捷的徒弟学吗 ?

康捷美国金钥匙稳坐全美国报关师培训头一把交椅 !

为什么说康捷美国金钥匙是华人报关师培训祖师爷 ?

19年前, 康捷美国金钥匙服务开办以前, 全美华人报关师凤毛麟角, 可以通过手指头数出来; 今天, 大纽约地区几乎所有有影响力的报关公司物流公司都有康捷培养的报关师, 康捷华人报关师约占大纽约地区所有全部老美老中报关师总数的50%。康捷已帮助 850 多名学员成为美国报关师,而近20年全美华人报关师总数大约只有900名左右。 康捷的成功引起了很多人全方位的效仿, 包括请在康捷考出报关师执照的学员作老师, 可惜效果太差, 10年来一直做鸭蛋专业户。

为什么说康捷美国金钥匙稳坐全美国报关师培训头一把交椅 ?

只要Google一下「Pass CBP Broker Exam in One Shot 」, 不难发现全美国只有康捷是唯一一家有能力做这样绝活的老牌机构。按照邓小平白猫黑猫理论、圣经的果树理论以 “果” 定优秀或低劣可以得出结论: 康捷美国金钥匙稳坐全美国报关师培训头一把交椅 !

美国海关报关师工作招聘会 World renowned employers prefer to hire customs brokers from ComJOBB GoldKey USA.

Scan 一下, 添加康捷微信 AmericanReward


Safe Professional Jobs in the U.S. under the Threat of Coronavirus

Hundreds of millions Americans begin to rethink a serious question: What is a really good job for a normal people ? Some traditional good jobs are no longer being considered as good jobs.

Safe quiet working environment, no high people-flow around, good income, and professional tasks are some key factors, but are not limited to, to tell if a job qualifies as a good job.

Customs broker jobs meet these requirements perfectly, so do freight forwarder jobs.

According to the latest statistics report from the U.S. Bureau of Labor, the share of young people 16 to 24 years old who were employed was 48.8 percent. There are millions of youth Americans either out of work or underemployed.

If you're a high school/college senior or a recent graduate who is still seeking employment, you should be prepared for the fact that employers will continue to be highly selective, likely to hire graduates with more experience, higher levels of motivations, and a focused interest in their industry.

Competition for job openings will remain especially fierce.

ComJOBB GoldKey’s mission is to help
    (1) college students get ready for good jobs before their graduations
    (2) middle-aged professionals safeguard double happiness and stability
    (3) accounting assistants,casino dealers,and other workers switch to professional jobs
    (4) freight forwarders and warehouse proprietors consolidate to integrated service providers
and much more !

Interesting Facts About U.S. Customs Broker
    (1) there are approximately 14,454 active licensed customs brokers in the United States.
    (2) highly experienced and skilled customs brokers can earn more than US$ 100,000 to US$150,000 annually.
    (3) customs broker is eligible to conduct customs business all over the United States.

Customs Brokerage and Forwarding Job Listing on September 2, 2020 (compiled from public info by comjobb.com)

Vice President, the Company Name: James J. Boyle & Co. Montery Park, CA 91754 $120,000 - $130,000 a year. The Vice President will be responsible to report to the President and key executives the activities of all import and export forwarding and Customs brokerage … today posted

Customs Broker - Bilingual Mandarin Chinese, the Company Name: Jusda USA/ Hon Hai Foxconn Group, Los Angeles, CA, Remote work at home, $100,000 - $150,000 a year. Requirements: Customs Brokerage: 5 years. Language: Mandarin Chinese. Experiences in customs brokerage at least 5 years. Electronic customs entry filing on behalf of the importers. Bilingual Mandarin Chinese is a requirement. 2 days ago posted.

U.S. Customs Broker’s Responsibilities
Customs brokers are authorized to submit necessary information and appropriate payments to U.S. Customs and Border Protection on behalf of their clients and charge them a fee for this service.

How to Become a Customs Broker ?
    First, you must pass the Customs Broker License Examination.
    Second, you must submit a broker license application with appropriate fees.
    Third, your application must be approved by CBP.
Where and When is the Customs Broker Examination Given? How to Register for the Examination ?
This examination will be given on the fourth Wednesday in April and October. An individual who intends to take the examination must complete the electronic application at least 30 calendar days prior to the scheduled examination date and must remit the $390 examination fee. CBP will give notice of the exact time and place for the examination. Application shall be made online following Application for Customs Broker License Exam on October, 2024 ( Application will be open from August, 2024) .

ComJOBB Golden Key is specialized in providing essential services to help people become customs brokers/logistics professionals in very short time.

    If you just graduated from a U.S. School, and you still did not have a professional office job after six-month intensive job hunting, you may need ComJOBB job-targeting services.

    If you have some degree from China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Thailand, or any other country, and you've been engaged in labor jobs for more than 1 year, you may need ComJOBB track-switching services.

    If you are an international student, and you plan to anchor your life and career in U.S., you may need ComJOBB anchoring services.

    If you have a relative good job for many years, but your annual income is never exceeding $60,000, and you desire to have a real change, you may need ComJOBB uplifting services.

    If you are a business owner, and you plan to launch new business in customs transaction or freight forwarding industry, you may need ComJOBB new business softlanding services.

    If you are a forwarding business owner, and you plan to become integrated forwarding and customs brokerage service provider, you may need ComJOBB premium integration services.

    If you are an importer/exporter/freight forwarder/customs broker, and you schedule to upgrade your customer services and human resource management level, you may need ComJOBB workforce optimization services. Several customs brokers and freight forwarders in New York and Los Angeles increased their profits remarkably after taking ComJOBB workforce optimization strategies. 在纽约与洛杉矶有好多家物流与报关公司, 因为采纳了康捷美国金钥匙的人力资源优化策略, 在很短的时间内, 公司的客户数量以及利润都有了极大的增长。

    If you are a customs brokerage business owner, and you plan to expand your network throughout the United States, you may need ComJOBB premier empire services.
You are welcome to come to ComJOBB GoldKey, free of charge, for a preliminary custom solution to your concerned matter.

ComJOBB custom job and business solutions are effective, powerful, and express.

Click to see > > 100 Success-Witnessing Video

Mr. Jack got a score of 91.25% for the customs broker exam in October 2023. Absolutely, he had no related experience or background in customs or freight forwarding business.

Ms Carol, a graduate from University of Washington, passed the customs broker exam in October 2021, and became a licensed customs broker in 2022.

Christine, the boss of a famous freight forwarder company in Great New York Area, passed the customs broker exam in October 2018, and became a licensed customs broker in 2019.

Congratulations to Ms Linda at her age of 28, a product development manager in an import wholesaler in New York, New York, who joined Comjobb in Feb 14, 2017, passed the customs broker exam in April 3, 2017 with a score of 88.75%, the latest miracle created by Comjobb student. Her incredible, legendary performance within so short period beat all others in the United States in customs broker exam. Her father, a distinguished professor from Tian Jing University China, highly praised ComJOBB undoubtably the No.1 in the United States in helping people to pass customs broker exam.

女神级别学员45天通过报关师考试, 得分88.75%, 震撼美国报关界 May, 2017
她现在是纽约曼哈顿一家 Global Logistics Company 的经理。

( 请特别关注视频中 1:39 ~ 2:53 之间 Linda 小姐所说的肺腑之言 )

Linda 小姐诚恳地向广大同学介绍了自己参加报关师培训班的种种考虑, 她说的非常中肯。报关师考试培训难度大, 越学到后面难度越大, 越教到后面越难教, 也越能体现名师的教学水平。就好像运动员们参加一万米长跑比赛, 真正的考验在最后的三千米, 名教练带出来的运动员越跑越有劲; 康捷金钥匙报关师培训班的学员们, 在张博士的带领下, 越学越有劲。Linda小姐2017年2月14日参加康捷的时候, 课程已经进行了2/3, 正是教学难度最大的时候, 也正是体现教学水平高低的时候, 这个最佳时机她试听了不同公司的报关师培训课程, 很容易判断出谁是真正的王者, 谁是南郭先生滥竽充数误人子弟。Linda小姐以及她父亲希望更多的人在准备报关师考试的少走弯路, 所以非常愿意和大家分享她切身体会和经验。

善意的提醒: 广大朋友请注意, 45天通过美国报关师考试的情况, 只有当真正的学霸碰到康捷的天才的报关师培训教父老师张博士才有可能出现。

有一些比较聪明的但还其实远远够不上学霸的, 只是比普通人稍微强一点的朋友, 很有可能会想当然地认为, 自己在一所相当不错的知名大学读书毕业都是一帆风顺, GPA也很高, 随便找一个差不多的报关师授课老师学习准备报关师考试, 通过考试应该不是问题, 这其实只能说是相当一厢情愿的想法, 其结果可想而知。

在纽约曼哈顿有一家很大的美国报关行, 其报关部经理实际报关经验非常丰富, 共参加过8次报关师考试, 依然通不过报关师考试。

有的朋友, 花很多时间, 反复比较不同培训机构的学费多少, 比较书费多少, 看起来算得非常精明, 在行家看来, 这其实都在做无用功, 其鉴别能力以及智力都有一些问题, 最终的结果一定是99%通不过考试的, 即使花几年时间反复考, 通过报关师考试的可能性也极小。

海关报关师的年收入和福利跟注册会计师及执照律师完全在一个档次, 而且就业更稳, 聪明人闭上眼睛想都不用想, 通过报关师考试肯定不容易。有的人整天都在考虑怎样节省一些小得不能再小的钱, 连拜名师学真本事获取立身之本的一技之长的钱都舍不得出, 怎么可能赚大钱。

睁开眼睛看一看, 除了康捷美国金钥匙, 在美国其他搞报关师考试培训的机构, 想要公布经过社区民众现场见证过的报关师考试成功案例视频, 一个见证视频都拿不出来。这些培训机构, 不是不想公布有说服力的成功案例现场见证视频来吸引更多的潜在顾客, 而是实在一个都拿不出来, 公布出来的视频全部都是讲师一个人在唱独角戏。

有的搞报关培训的机构, 自己也非常清楚拿不出任何令人信服的成绩, 感到心里非常发虚, 于是交钱参加营利性的行业协会, 告诉潜在顾客, 参加她们的海关报关培训, 就会有20个学分, 但其实美国联邦海关并不承认任何机构授予的任何学分, 对通过海关报关师考试以及申请报关执照都没有任何用处, 这些小伎俩是一心想赚钱的行业协会耍出来赚培训机构的钱, 培训机构再拿此鸡毛令箭赚其他顾客的钱。有的搞报关培训的机构, 还专门特意邀请社区的名人比如说市/区议员来给自己站台, 其实市/区议员都是一些聪明绝顶的人物, 和各种各样的社区民众交往, 主要还是为了为自己拉选票, 了解民情联络感情, 看破而不说破是立足于竞选社会最基本的功夫, 所以社区名人和某个人握手拥抱并不意味着对某个人事业的肯定, 某些人热衷于搞这一套江湖老套路, 归根到底还是实力太差心里发虚。

有培训机构, 一方面聘请康捷的某些二流学员做老师(为什么叫二流学员, 主要是因为这些学员, 在张博士看来, 资质非常一般, 本身连美国的普通大学文凭都读不出来, 教别人准备难度特别高的海关报关师考试实在是误人子弟), 另一方面又自己找一些人写一些廉价的虚假的匿名的Google review, 想让一些不明真相的头脑比较简单的顾客信以为真, 以为这个培训机构非常靠谱, 但其实任何人只要有一个Gmail邮箱, 都可以写一些的天花乱坠的虚假的赞美之词, 用心真是何其良苦, 但其实广大华人都是非常聪明的, 没那么容易上当受骗。

女神级别美女学员 Linda 小姐, 当初也到模仿康捷的培训机构试听过报关师培训课, 她的中肯评价在上面的中文视频中 1:39 ~ 2:53 (1分钟39秒 到 2分钟53秒) 可以听到。 毕业于美国正规大学的Linda 小姐, 如果知道她在另外一家试听课程的老师连一个普通的美国大学都读不出来, 同时也是康捷的一位真的不怎么样的前学员, 就很容易理解为什么她听不下去。 Linda 小姐学历好, 英文好中文好, 理解能力强, 她都感觉听不下去, 一般普通的华人要不学历有问题, 要不英文有问题, 要不中文不好, 要不理解能力有问题, 怎么可能在不怎么样的老师那儿准备好海关报关师考试课程 ?

评估一个海关报关师培训机构到底靠不靠谱, 唯一要看的是参加培训的学员到底能不能通过美国联邦海关的报关师考试, 是不是每年都有很多人通过报关师考试, 搞一些其他花里胡哨的东西都是心虚且动机不纯。

千里马常有, 而伯乐不常有, 如果你不是真正的学霸, 只是很好的大学的毕业生(比如说毕业于纽约州立大学, 加州州立大学), 或者仅仅是一个普通大学甚至是社区大学毕业的学生, 真想要通过报关师考试, 参加康捷美国报关师金钥匙对你而言至关重要 。想要通过报关师考试, 如果不参加康捷美国金钥匙, 最终会吃多少苦遭多少罪, 只有其本人会慢慢的享受与体会。在这里, 康捷真诚的祝愿每一位朋友都能顺利地通过报关师考试, 获取事业的更大成功 !

Linda Passed Customs Broker Exam in 45 days with a score of 88.75%, Seminar in English

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善意的提醒: 广大朋友请注意, 45天通过美国报关师考试的情况,
(Read details.....)

Williams 出身于洛杉矶,毕业于 UC Riverside, 他的妈妈是南加州洛杉矶小有名气的中医师。2017年9月初,Williams 在他妈妈的极力鼓励下,报名参加康捷报关师培训,备考2017年10月全美报关师统一考试。尽管当时时间紧迫,学习负担非常重,Williams 还是勇挫群雄,一举通过考试。很快,在2018年1月初,Williams 在LA一家历史悠久的老牌报关公司找到一份专业报关职位。Williams 的妈妈,出生于台湾的资深美国人,深有感触地说,Williams 能有今天,非常感谢张博士灵活的教导方式,深入浅出,厚厚的两大册海关法律资料,重点大要在不到两个月的时间都有了明确的概念,非常了不起,我一有机会都会告诉年轻人,有兴趣就去找康捷学习,报关师培训教父非张博士莫属。

Congratulations to Ms Tiffany, working with an import wholesaler in Los Angeles, she joined ComJOBB in Feb 12, 2017, passed the customs broker exam in April 3, 2017 with a score of 80%. Her performance shocked the customs & forwarding business circle in Southern California.

美国海关报关师考试成功经验介绍会 2013年12月 (Mandarin-speaking Testimonial Seminar, December 2013)
Adams在康捷仅花了一个半月就通过2013年10月报关师考试, 相当于仅用45天就通过律师资格考试 ! Now, Adams is a big manager in a leading customs brokerage company in New York, New York.
Adams was holding a public seminar, in December 2013, sharing his legendary story how to pass US customs broker exam in 45 days. Adams joined ComJOBB GoldKey in Mid-August, 2013, took the CBP broker exam in October 7, 2013, he got a passing grade within an unbelievable short period. Adams only has computer backgrounds with absolutely no experience in customs brokerage or freight forwarding industry. Adams created a legendary U.S. record of passing customs broker examination in just 45 days.

Jasmin's tips to pass customs broker exam in less than 3 months in just one shot. (English-speaking Testimonial Seminar, December 2011). She is a manage in a leading customs brokerage company in New York, New York.

Janet's tips to pass customs broker exam in October 2012 in just one shot with only two-and-half-month ComJOBB training. Ms Janet is a housewife in her late 40's with absolutely no degree and no professional experience in the U.S. (Seminar in Mandarin, December 2012) Now, Janet is a manager in a leading global logistics company in JFK area.

Mark's Tips to Become a CBP Broker in Just One Shot. (Seminar in Mandarin, December 2010)

美国海关报关师考试成功经验介绍会 2014年12月, Mr. Johnny passed customs broker exam in 3 months in just one shot (Mandarin-speaking Testimonial Seminar, December 2014). Mr. Johnny is a big manager in a leading customs brokerage company in Long Island, New York.

美国海关报关师考试成功经验介绍会 2014年5月, Jaime 小姐的真实故事(Mandarin-speaking Testimonial Seminar, May 2014). Jaime is a big manager in a leading global logistics company in JFK area.

Elliot passed customs broker license exam in one shot at the age of 26 with four-month ComJOBB training. (Seminar in Mandarin). Mr. Elliot is a manager in a leading customs brokerage company in New York, New York.

Mr. Joe, Former President of New Jersey Taiwanese Association (April 2009 ~ April 2011), was Addressing a Seminar How to Pass CBP Broker Exam in Just One Shot. (Seminar in Mandarin)

Nancy passed customs broker license exam in one shot at the age of 25 in Flushing, New York. She applauded ComJOBUSA program as the best customs broker exam class in NYC, as well as in USA (Seminar in English). Now, Nancy is a manager in a customs brokerage company in New York, New York.

美国海关报关师考试成功经验介绍会 2013年12月 (Mandarin-speaking Seminar, December 2013)

美国海关报关师考试成功经验介绍会 2014年5月 (Mandarin-speaking Seminar, May 2014)

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美国海关报关师考试成功经验介绍会 2013年12月, 2014年5月
(Read details.....)

Congratulations to Ms Michelle, former leading chinese newspaper WorldJournal commercial news reporter director with over 12-year media experiences, now a licensed customs broker since 2009, she is a partner of a big customs brokerage company in JFK. She has full knowledge of all asian communities in NYC, she highly appraised and recommended ComJOBB the pioneer and the unmatched authority in customs broker training industry in the U.S., “ ComJOBB program definitely is the best customs broker exam prep course in the U.S.”.
Michelle小姐, 前華人主流報紙世界日報工商記者主管, 超過12年的媒體經驗, 2009年成為美國報關師, 現在她是JFK一家報關公司的合作夥伴。她熟悉紐約所有華人社區事務, 她高度評價康捷美國金鑰匙是報關師培訓領域的先驅及不可以替代的權威。

All four persons who were eligible to take customs broker exam, with their whole faces shown in the above photo, became licensed customs brokers in 2019. 上面的照片中, 有资格参加报关师考试, 可以看见全脸的四位同学, 都在2019年获得海关报关师执照。

Customs Broker Exam pass rate in ComJOBB was as high as up to 87.50%, as indicated above: Seven out of eight in one class passed customs broker exam in the year 2007 康捷美國金鑰匙報關師考試通過率最高可達 87.50% ! 圖中同一班級八位學員就有七位成為美國海關報關師 ! 特别祝贺坐在后排角落的吴联慈同学 (Xu 同学) 最近被其他培训学校聘请为报关培训老师, 和他的一位知名师弟一起, 为提升该校的培训实力作出了舍己为人的无私贡献。

只要Google一下「 pass customs broker exam in one shot 」 就知道康捷美國金鑰匙的份量了。If you google the words「pass customs broker exam in one shot 」, you will know immediately that ComJOBB is the top one in customs broker training industry, because nobody else in the U.S. has the ability to train students in 45 days to pass this CBP broker exam in just one shot/attempt except ComJOBB! Only ComJOBB in the US has such a magic power to train people with absolutely no professional experience to pass this most challenging CBP broker exam in just one shot in a systematic way.

By googling 「 pass customs broker exam 」, you may find many other organizations providing customs broker exam training. The question how to judge which “tree” will bear “good fruit” will puzzle you immediately. If you choose “bad tree”, you will definitely get “bad fruit”. The simplest way you can do is to apply the wisdom of the Holy Bible: Christ said in Matthew 7:16-20, “You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thorn bushes or figs from thistles? Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Therefore by their fruits you will know them.”

Thus, what you have to do is to search their websites to check if there are many valid believable “good fruits” , such as witnessing video clips, more “good fruits” presented, much better the “tree” is.


Google一下「Pass Customs Broker Exam in 45 days 」, 不難發現全美國只有康捷是唯一一家有能力做這樣絕活的老牌機構。 要知道鄧小平白貓黑貓理論、聖經的果樹理論都是以 “果” 定優秀或低劣的 !

在YouTube 上查一查"報關師考試成功經驗介紹會"就知道康捷美國金鑰匙的份量了。

聖經的果樹理論是什麼 ?

好果樹結的果又多又好。 Every good tree bears good fruits。

壞果樹結的果要麼非常少,要麼結壞果結毒果結狼果。A bad tree will never give good fruits。 A bad tree bears no fruits or only bad toxic fruits。

鄧小平白貓黑貓理論是什麼 ?
好貓捕捉到更多的老鼠,壞貓或懶貓捉不到老鼠。因此,從捕捉到的老鼠大小以及數量, 你就會知道貓是好貓或壞貓, 貓是白貓黑貓跟貓是好貓或壞貓沒有任何關係。

康捷报关师考试成功经验介绍会通常有超过20人以上的证人公开见证, 完全真实可信, 全美其他任何报关师培训机构都很想但很难模仿, 很难做到有超过20人以上的证人面对面公开见证的报关师考试成功经验介绍会。互联网上的一些没有许多证人或完全没有证人面对面公开见证的 TESTIMONIAL 主要用作自导自演 "唱双簧" 搞忽悠, 是不能当真的, 但可以当笑话来欣赏。

普通华人怎样一次通过美国海关报关师考试 ? 如何选择最好的海关报关师学校?

现在很多人都知道海关报关师收入非常高(如果有经验的话可高达10万美元至15万美元)工作也非常稳定, 很多人都想参加海关报关师(US Customs Broker)培训, 也听说报关师考试很难通过, 所以很多人想知道如何选择最好的海关报关师学校接受最好的培训。事实上, 这个问题非常非常的简单。

早在1962年, 小平同志就提出了著名的黑猫白猫理论, 这个理论应用在如何选择最好的报关师培训学校时也同样非常管用。

只需要到 Youtube.com以及对方网站查一查 “报关师考试成功经验介绍会” 经过当地社区民众现场见证过的现场录象, 看某学校有没有2010年,2011年,2012年,2013年,2014年,2015年,2016年,2017年,2018年,2019年通过报关师考试的现场见证。如果几乎都没有, 表示这家培训机构 2010年,2011年,2012年,2013年,2014年,2015年,2016年,2017年,2018年,2019年几乎没有任何学生通过考试, 说明这家机构是混饭吃的杂货铺学店。作为头脑聪明的你, 如果还要进去趟浑水, 显然是不明智的。

Good apple tree bears a lot of good apples each year, bad apple tree bears none or very few apples each year !

这个方法简单实用, 可以过滤掉许多虚幻的迷惑人的东西, 永远不会出错。比如, 有公司答应帮助学员毕业后开报关公司, 事实上考不出报关师考试来一切都无从谈起。比如, 有公司告诉学员多考几次就可以通过报关师考试, 事实上普通人准备报关师考试拜错老师是绝对考不出来的。再比如, 有公司移花接木, 在网站上贴一些假考试成绩单复印件。用此方法, 结果立马一目了然。

提到报关师考试很难考, 但怎么难考, 难在哪里, 没有经历过人很难体会到。

在纽约洛杉矶报关货代这个圈子里面的人都知道, 有10年20年报关物流经验的人考不出报关师的比比皆是, 有University of California at LA, State Univerity of New York等学历的人折腾4年5年通不过报关师考试的太正常了。

所以说, 什么叫美国海关报关师考试难考, 就是说绝大多数普通人参加一般般的报关考试学校学报关都是通不过报关师考试的, 反复考也是考不出的。如果普通人反复多考几次都能通过的话, 那么这个考试就不叫难考。

所以说, 如果你是一个普通人, 想要尽快通过美国海关报关师考试, 唯一的策略就是按照上面小平同志的方法选择最好的美国海关报关师培训学校。

因为成功选择并参加最好的美国海关报关师学校康捷美国金钥匙, 来自广东台山年近50岁的家庭妇女Janet在康捷准备2个半月通过2012年10月全美报关师考试; 因为成功选择并参加最好的美国海关报关师学校, 没有任何相关美国工作经验的27岁的Adams在康捷仅花了一个半月就通过2013年10月报关师考试; 因为成功选择并参加最好的美国海关报关师学校, 纽约法拉盛一位年近50没有任何美国学历的一位不折不扣的美国普通家庭主妇, 仅准备了三个半月, 英语也很烂, 照样一次通过2014年4月全美报关师考试。
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普通华人怎样一次通过美国海关报关师考试 ? 如何选择最好的海关报关师学校?
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  Great News!

高端工作/事业新出路在哪里 ? 一个重要的选择条件: 既要收入高, 又要可持续发展可以一直做到退休, 可以传承给下一代, 又要和人流量高/车流高且复杂的环境隔离。

2024年新的一年, 美国拜登政府开启世界发展新的一页, 中美贸易可以预见地会进一步增加, 更多的进出口贸易机会就在眼前: 进出口商如何应对, 找工作/事业的同胞如何抓住机遇 ?

真实案例: 培训两个月就找到一份月收入$6,000的工作, 是怎么做到的 ?

大纽约洛杉矶商贸物流报关圈一个流传19年的共识: 报关师考试难, 想过关, 必须找张博士 !

通过美国海关报关师考试, 99%会有Great Job !

Early birds for this most rewarding course usually have more chances to pass the exam in one shot !

The customs broker examination will be conducted in April and October each year.

新老移民, 国际学生, 美國新生活第一站在康捷。

花了很多年时间, 读过许多学校, 有这个文凭又有那个证书, 但仍然没有像样的安身立命的专业工作, 为什么不来试一试康捷美国金钥匙 ?

找到好工作的捷径在哪里 ? 实实在在能够帮广大华人朋友解决高端工作的地方, 就在 COMJOBB 康捷。下面的每一个YouTube视频, 都准确地记录了康捷美国金钥匙帮助同胞解决高端工作的实例。这些同胞, 尽管学历经历等背景截然不同, 都能在康捷获得完美的高端就业服务。完全可以毫不谦虚的说, 全美99%的公立私立教育机构, 都达不到像康捷这样杰出的服务。

SUNY College Girl Student Got Job Referral Immediately

金钥匙报关师学员John先生, 半年之内每月净收入由 $2000 涨到 $5000美元

金钥匙三步求职法, 台湾小姐姐, 一个礼拜拿到两个 Good Job Offers


有很多确实很能干的朋友, 揣着很不错的美国/大陆大学文凭, 一样还在辛苦低薪的岗位上锻炼自己的肌肉专心致志地磨练自己的意志, 期望有一天能做到“三年不鸣, 一鸣惊人”。但世间“姜子牙”真的不多, 一直这样磨练下去, 也失去了磨练的本意。那么转机会在哪里呢 ? 可以试一试, 康捷。许许多多康捷的师兄师姐, 已经在康捷获得了意想不到的成功。

在美国生活的时间越久, 就会越明白的一个道理, 走对地方跟对人, 实在是太重要了 !

洛杉矶旅游界精英Wendy 小姐, 参加康捷金钥匙培训3个月成功转入海关报关行业

纽约皇后区皇后大学毕业的Tiffany小姐, 参加康捷金钥匙培训2个月搞定海关报关工作

Melissa successfully acquired a professional job in a giant logistics company in 30 days after she joined Comjobb GoldKey.

想不想要知道, 除了大陆大专文凭, 甚至都没有参加过ESL培训, 也没有任何相关进出口贸易工作经验, 27岁的中国河南开封鹏先生2015年10月底加入康捷金鑰匙, 通过康捷帮忙, 不到2个月就顺利在纽约曼哈顿附近港口城市找到一份海运进出口贸易工作。

新移民Foxman先生如何在康捷美國金鑰匙的幫助下, 從香港移民到紐約后的短短3個月內找到一家美國大公司的經理職位

留学生江小姐自伊利诺伊州MBA毕业后, 在康捷美国金钥匙的帮助下, 到纽约短短1个月内找到满意的专业职位

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27岁, 洛杉矶进口批发商仓库管理员, 在康捷的幫助下, 短短2個月內月收入由 $3,000 上升到月收入$6,000多, 并被提升为NVOCC公司大經理。

Benjamin, graduated from a college in New York City in May 2015, then joined Comjobb Goldkey as referred by his father, immediately he got an ideal position in an integrated logistics company in August 2015.

连纽约市前市长彭博(Michael Bloomberg)都语出惊人地「指点」学业成绩不怎么样的高中生,与其上大学,还不如去当水电工, 去念技术学校比争大学文凭有用。他说:「面临最多问题的人,都是学业成绩非一等一的大学毕业生。」 「当水电工跟进入哈佛两者之间相比,对一般人来说,当个水电工可能比较划算。」 彭博这么说的理由在于,背负学贷债务的劳工毕业后挑战更大,相较之下,水电工收入不错,也没有学贷负担。他说:「你不必白白浪费四年,不但没有收入,每年还得花4、5万元学费,积欠大笔学生贷款。」 他说,当水管匠可以维持相当好的生活,又不必背负学生贷款,也不必担心工作被外包到其他国家,或被电脑和自动化取代。

美国报关师年薪6万-15万, 比做水电工要更好, 也不必担心工作被外包到其他国家,或被电脑和自动化取代, 比普通大学毕业生要好很多。

美国报关师比照无任何专业执照的普通美国人平均每年可多赚钱5~6万, 30年可以多赚168万 !

ComJobb GoldKey customs broker course will provide most valuable guidelines and tips to help people to pass this most challenging and also easy exam in several months (the time required may vary, depending upon different ages, education levels, and other factors of the person). There are several options: NYC and LA local classroom programs and remote live online classes nationwide.

Great news came from Los Angeles, New York, Houston for the customs broker exam in October 2023. There were more than 15 ComJOBB guys who passed customs broker exam in October 2023.

The performance of ComJOBB guys in April, 2023 customs broker license examination was good as expected.
……… Responses from ComJOBB persons who took the exam in Houston, Los Angeles, Chicago, and New York were amazingly wonderful. 「I got a score of 86.25% !」, Miss Zerah said with great confidence, who is now working at a customs brokerage firm in LA, with a ComJOBB background and a BS degree from Nanjing University. 「I did a great job in the exam with a score of 83.75% ! 」, Mr. Zhu at his age of 26 replied to us very happily, who is currently doing ocean operations at a freight forwarder company in LA, with a ComJOBB background and a BS degree from UCLA. Mr. Zhang got a perfect score closing to 100%, and is working at a customs brokerage company in New Jersey. CBP sent out the official scores at the beginning of the 3rd week of the month May, 2014 .

So exciting !

For CBP Customs Broker exam in October 7, 2013, ComJOBB guys created new miracles. Miracle seminars were held in December, 2013. Mr. Adams created a U.S. record of passing customs broker exam in 45 days !

Performances of ComJOBB guys for the CBP exam in October 3, 2012 were wonderful. Ms Janet, a housewife in her late 40's with absolutely no degree and no professional experience in the U.S., passed the CBP customs broker exam in October 2012 in one shot. She took a ComJOBB 2-month program in July 2012 in Chinatown, New York.

康捷美国报关师金钥匙在业界名声远播服务全美华人。康捷美国金钥匙在全美影响巨大, 康捷学员广受各行业雇主欢迎。连康捷的二流学员也被相关竞争公司当作宝贝请去做 “最优秀的老师” 教报关兼 “招牌” 。报关考试不怕通不过, 就怕门走错, 真想考报关师唯有找康捷。据统计, 学报关被骗的 “聪明人” 99%都是因为没有跟华人报关师培训祖师爷康捷学, 不懂得或不知道如何运用邓小平黑猫白猫理论或贪小便宜。

2012年4月15日, 康捷知名校友- 美东华人最大报关公司报关总裁王先生下午1:48PM 在康捷中心主持“康捷一世发工作” 介绍会, 生动回忆他当年在康捷的成功学习经历, 系统介绍报关工作就业前景, 行业聘用程序。他同时现场为一家年进出口总额达$5,000万的贸易商解答疑难问题。广大听众反响热烈。

Witnessing ComJOBB Miracles and Sharing Joys

More than 890 persons who joined ComJOBB program became licensed Customs brokers in the United States during a 19-year period.

家住亚特兰大的范小姐, 2022年1月中旬正式报名参加康捷金钥匙培训, 完全按照康捷培训的思路, 仅仅参加培训2个月, 就一次顺利通过2022年4月份的报关师考试。

Valuable studying experiences at COMJOBB GOLDEN KEY for the preparation of customs broker exam in 2020. Mr. Joe (the first speaker) passed customs broker exam in October 2020, Mr. Li ( the person behind the first speaker) passed the exam in October 2020, Mr. Weng (the second speaker) passed the exam in October 2020, Mr. Kim (next to the second speaker, speaking Korean) passed the exam in October 2020.

Ms Tiffany, Ms Susan Passed Customs Broker Exam on April, 2021, Classroom Onsite Real-time Learning.

Ms Wen Passed Customs Broker Exam on April, 2021, Classroom Onsite Real-time Learning.

Mr. Franklin, a graduate from University of California - Berkeley, the boss of a famous shipping company in Great Los Angeles Area, passed the customs broker exam in April 2019, and will become a licensed customs broker in 2019.

家住洛杉矶的 Joyce 女士, 创造康捷报关师新传奇。大家可以仔细看一看, 看她的传奇性体现在什么地方 ?

家住纽约 Staten Island 的汤小姐一次通过2018年10月海关报关师考试, 又经过康捷介绍, 于2019年1月到一家主流报关公司上班。

Mr. Chan, age 23, passed customs broker exam on October 24, 2018, very shortly in November, 2018, and became a licensed customs broker in July 2019.

Ms Christina, an accounting supervisor of a forwarder warehouse in Los Angeles, passed the customs broker exam on October 24, 2018, and became a licensed customs broker exam in 2019.

洛杉矶赌场精英 Fernando 先生, 顺利通过2018年4月报关师考试。

北京律师赵小姐移民美国6年, 心里一直在想却难以找到理想的专业工作。出于律师职业的敏感性, 她一眼就认定康捷是报关师培训做得最好的。通过康捷美国金钥匙, 她一次就顺利通过海关报关师考试, 又通过康捷推荐, 立刻被主流报关大公司作为技术骨干聘用。

家住纽约Brooklyn的郑先生自豪地通过2018年4月美国海关报关师考试。郑先生2017年底刚从纽约市立大学毕业, 他第一时间选择参加康捷美国金钥匙。2018年6月初, 他高兴地和大纽约地区的许多朋友分享了他成功的喜悦。

恭喜家住纽约Brooklyn的 Leo, 2017年10月参加海关报关师考试, 2017年11月中旬 收到美国海关通过考试的成绩通知单, 当月飞回故乡海南岛度假2个月, 2018年1月底2月初就收到 Job Offers 收到手发软, 最终, 他选择接受一家上市公司的offer, 起薪远超他的期望值。

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家住纽约Brooklyn的 Joyce小姐 2017年7月份参加康捷,8月份从药房处理成为国际物流师,10月份通过报关师考试成为海关报关师。目前, 她是纽约一家报关公司的经理。

恭喜家住纽约法拉盛的浙江美女自豪地通过海关报关师考试: 赵小姐, 前美国江浙工商贸易总会秘书, 没有任何美国学历, 当初也不是美国公民, 先参加康捷报关师培训,一个月就经推荐找到相关专业的好工作马上上班赚钱, 在新的工作岗位工作一年多以后变成美国公民,再参加报关师考试一次成功通过的典型案例, 对广大华人朋友非常有启发借鉴意义。目前, 她是纽约一家报关公司的经理。

恭喜家住洛杉矶的Johnson 先生一次通过2017年10月报关师考试, 仔仔细细观看, 收获会很大

恭喜家住纽约法拉盛的Jordan 先生仅用两个月一次通过海关报关师考试, 天机+智慧共享, 不看会吃亏

Seeing is Believing, Customs Broker Exam Passed in 2017, Golden Tips by Rene

Congratulations to Ms. Cherry at the age of 25, who was gladly notified by US Customs and Border Protection in November 2016 that she passed the Customs Broker Exam. She is now a manager in a global logistics company.

康捷海关报关师考试成功经验介绍会, November 2016

Congratulations to Ms Cindy, who passed the CBP broker exam in April 2016. Cindy has 10 years' experiences in casino industry. She felt extremely happy that a new bright gate was opened for her career development, she shared her tips with her friends in June 2016 in Flushing, New York. Now, Cindy is a big manager in a leading global logistics company in JFK area. 如何备考全美2018年4月海关报关师考试: 中国有一句古话, “ 前事不忘, 后事之师”, 每一个有智慧的华人都知道, 善于吸取最广大先行者的带血的经验教训, 可以有效的少走弯路做到事半功倍。如何以前事为师: 方法非常简单, 只需要到 Youtube网站查一查 “报关师考试成功经验介绍会” 经过当地社区民众现场见证过的现场录象, 看某学校有没有 2010年,2011年,2012年, 2013年, 2014年, 2015年, 2016年, 2017年通过报关师考试的现场见证。如果没有, 表示这家培训机构 这么多年没有任何学生通过考试, 说明这家机构是混饭吃的。作为头脑聪明的你, 如果还要趟浑水, 显然是不明智的。

Congratulations to Mr. Douglas, who passed the customs broker exam in April 2016 at the age of 23. Mr. Douglas is a smart young person with entrepreneurial spirit.

Congratulations to Ms Kathy, who passed the CBP broker exam in October 2015. Kathy has several years' experiences in logistics industry. She felt extremely happy for her success in passing this professional exam, she shared her tips with many friends in February 2016 in Los Angeles County, California. She is now a big manager in a global logistics company.

Congratulations to Ms Angel, who passed the CBP broker exam in October 2015. Angel is a licensed English teacher in New York City, however, she may have to wait for several years to get a formal teaching position in public school. During her pregnancy period, she decided to prepare customs broker exam in order to become a customs broker. She chose to attend Comjobb course, and she passed the exam in October 2015. She was so happy to share her tips with her friends in New York in January 2016. Without wasting any time, she got a professional job in a big company in JFK airport in December 2015. Now, she is a manager in a global logistics company.

Congratulations to Mr. Kenneth from Shanghai, who passed the Customs broker exam in October 2015 since May 2015 . Mr. Kenneth had been working as an ocean cargo insurance professional for more than 10 years in New York. The Port of Shanghai is the biggest one in China, the Port of New York is the biggest one in east coast of the United States, he is most confident that he will have a brightest future in his career development. He is now a manager in a global logistics company in JFK area.

Congratulations to Ms Mila, who passed the CBP broker exam in one shot in April 2015. Ms Mila has been working as a casino dealer in Los Angeles for 10 years. She flew from Los Angeles City with her over-73-year-old Mom to New York City to express her sincere gratitude to ComJOBB for the great online course and was so happy to share her tips how to pass CBP broker exam with the public in June 2015.

Congratulations to Mr. Warren, who passed the Customs Broker exam in one shot in April 2015. Mr. Warren has been working as airport security guard and OLD NAVY sales associate for 6 years in New York City.

Congratulations to Mr. Lieberman, who passed the CBP broker exam in April 2015 in two-and-half months since the Mid January 2015. Mr. Lieberman had been working as a financial manager in insurance business for more than 10 years in Flushing, New York. He has a strong belief that customs business is a lifetime good business. Now, he is a big manager in a leading global logistics company.

Congratulations to Ms. Quenna, who passed the CBP broker exam in April 2015. Ms. Quenna has been working as an sales professional of Jewelry for more than 10 years in New York, New York, she thought a real change in her career development be definitely required. She was so happy she passed this professional license exam.

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(II) Hundreds of Successful Stories.....

Congratulations to Mr. Johnny, who passed the CBP broker exam in one shot in October 2014. Mr. Johnny graduated from Stony Brook University and has been working with a big company in Long Island, New York. Now, Mr. Johnny is a big manager in a leading customs brokerage company in Long Island, NY.

Congratulations to Mr. Henry, who passed the customs broker exam in October 2014. Mr. Henry graduated from Stony Brook University and has several years of professional experiences in freight forwarding industry. Now, Mr. Henry is a big manager in a leading logistics company in JFK area.

Congratulations to Mr. Joe, who passed the CBP broker exam in October 2014. Mr. Joe graduated with BS degree from a school in New Jersey and has been working with a big logistics company in Jersey City, New jersey. Now, Mr. Joe is the founder of a customs brokerage company in NJ.

Congratulations to Mr. Leone, who passed the broker exam in October 2014 in just one shot. Mr. Leone, with a MBA degree in the U.S., has been working as a tourist guide for many years in New York. He was happily sharing his tips with the public in December 2014 in Flushing, New York. Now, Mr. Leone is a manager in a leading customs brokerage company in New York, New York.

Congratulations to Mr. James Han, who passed the customs broker exam in one shot in October 2014. Mr. James moved from Los Angeles to New York for the purpose to realize his dreams in the USA.

Mr. James Han is a very nice young guy, he treats all people as his friends with his whole heart. This nice personality sometimes was purposely used by people with malicious intentions. Recently, Mr. James Han said very angrily to a lot of his friends that his CBP score letter was posted in the website of another company located in Flushing with the intention to mislead the public that his success in the exam was attributed to their efforts. Mr. James Han can't believe they could do things in such a fucking way far beyond the bottom line of business moral and ethical principles.

Congratulations to Mr. Wood, who passed the customs broker exam in October 2014. Mr. Wood has been in international trading business for many years in New York.

Congratulations to Mr. Witton, who passed the customs broker exam in October 2014. Mr. Witton graduated from Columbia University, New York.

Congratulations to Mr. Jack, an immigrant from Zhe Jiang Province, China, who passed the customs broker exam in April 2014. He has been working as a cab driver for many years in Brooklyn, New York.

Congratulations to Ms. Emily, an immigrant from Taiwan, who passed the CBP broker exam in just one shot in April 2014. She has been engaged in immigration business for 8 years in Flushing, New York. Now, Ms. Emily is a manager in a leading customs brokerage company in New York, New York.

Congratulations to Mr. Ricky, graduated from University of California at Los Angeles, who passed the CBP broker exam in just one shot in April 2014. He is working with a customs brokerage company in Los Angeles, California. Now, Mr. Ricky is a manager in a leading customs brokerage company in Los Angeles.

Congratulations to Ms. Zerah, who passed the CBP broker exam in April 2014, now has a professional position in a customs brokerage company in Los Angeles. She graduated from Nanjing University, China. Now, Ms. Zerah is a manager in a leading customs brokerage company in Los Angeles.

Congratulations to Mr. Lee, with a PhD in accounting, who passed the customs broker exam in just one shot in April 2014.

Congratulations to Mr. Francisco, an experienced forwarding professional in great New York area, who passed the customs broker exam in April 2014. Now, Francisco is a manager in a leading customs brokerage company in Long Island, NY.

Congratulations to Mr. David, an IT professional with a master degree in computer science, who passed the customs broker exam in April 2014. David is a manager in a leading customs brokerage company in New York, NY.

Congratulations to Mr. Donny, an immigrant from Shanghai, China, who became a licensed customs broker in the year 2014. Mr. Donny graduated from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China .

Congratulations to Ms. Jaime, who passed the broker exam in April 2014 in just one shot. Ms. Jaime, a housewife with an age of 50, has no US degree, no related professional experiences. She attributed her success in passing this broker exam to her family continuous encouragement and great teaching skills at ComJOBB. She was sharing her tips with the pubic in June 2014 in Flushing, New York. Now, she is a big manager in a leading global logistics company in JFK area.

Congratulations to Ms. Grace, who became a licensed customs broker in the year of 2013. Now, she is running her customs business in Houston,Texas.

Congratulations to Mr. Edison, who became a licensed customs broker in the year of 2013. Now he is a manager in an integrated logistics company in Jersey City, NJ.

Congratulations to Ms. Alivia, an amazingly beautiful and sweet Fuzhounese girl of an age 23, she passed the broker exam in Oct., 2011. She is now running a very successful customs business in New York, New York.

Ms.Alivia delivered an impressive talk to the public in the 2nd week in January, 2012, in Flushing, New York, the audience witnessed and applauded her success in a special way.

Congratulations to Mr.Tom, a Taiwanese guy with over 12-year ocean carrier and export experiences, he passed the broker exam in Oct., 2011. He joined ComJOBB program in May, 2011. He was so happy to share his valuable ComJOBB story with other ComJOBB guys during the last week of March, 2012, in Flushing, New York. Now, Mr. Tom is a big manager in a leading global logistics company in JFK area.

Congratulations to Mr. Leonardo, a cantonese guy with over 15-year import and export experiences, he passed the broker exam in Oct., 2011. He joined ComJOBB program in June, 2011. His excellent performance in customs broker exam stunned all his friends in trade community. Now, he is running his customs business in Jamaica, New York.

Congratulations to Ms. Maria, she passed the broker exam in Oct., 2011. She joined ComJOBB program in April, 2011. Her excellent performance in customs broker exam stunned all her colleagues and friends in forwarding industry. She has over 12-year freight forwarding experiences. Now, she is the boss of a leading customs brokerage company in Jamaica, NY.

Congratulations to Mr. Eliot, he passed the customs broker exam at his first attendance in the exam, and very shortly with the powerful help from ComJOBB Center, he got a professional job in Long Island, New York at the beginning of Dec. 2011. Now, he is a big manager in a leading customs brokerage company in New York, New York.

Congratulations to Ms. Jasmine, a shanghainese girl, she gained a passing score for the customs broker exam in Oct., 2011. She joined the ComJOBB program in mid-June, 2011. Now, she is a big manager in a leading customs brokerage company in New York, New York.

Ms.Jasmin addressed a valuable seminar to the public in Dec.6, 2011 in Flushing, the audience witnessed and applauded her success warmly.

Congratulations to Mr. Kerry, he finally passed the CBP broker exam in Oct., 2011. Three years ago, he was misled and fooled by a scam program which has been always claiming a pass rate of at least 70%, he said, nobody in his class passed the exam as to his best knowledge for so long time, he felt so desperate during that period. He took the exam 4 times with scores invariably below 63%. In June 2011, he was encouraged by his kind father and referred by his friends who are ComJOBB alumni, and joined ComJOBB program. He talks to all his family members and friends, "ComJOBB, Come True, Really Magic, It Works !". Ms. Jasmine and he, usually sitting at the same table in the class, both of them passed the exam.
同时更为难能可贵的是, Mr. Kerry 具备大爱无疆的博爱精神, 2018年11月, 他看到某培训学校没有任何人通过2018年10月报关师考试, 勇敢的为当年曾给他三年磨难意志的培训学校大无畏地站台, “永不言败”的精神是非常值得支持的。

报考海关报关师考试的题外话, 纽约的华人社区有哪些营销奇才 ? 仔细看一看, 长一点营销技能, 也可以避免当开心韭菜。

It's a long list ...., each year more than 20 to 30 ComJOBB guys will pass the customs broker exam, ....

Free seminars will be held to the public frequently on an irregular basis in Flushing and Chinatown, New York. The purpose of the seminars is to let the audiences have the chance to witness ComJOBB miracles and to share their most valuable experiences in the preparation of this most challenging broker exam in the United States. Please note, American customs brokerage professionals usually spend 3~6 years to pass this CPB broker exam if they're lucky. However, a lot of ComJOBB guys can pass this horrible exam within 2~6 months. ComJOBB Center has the incredible records that no other organization can beat in the United States.

Special thanks to Ms. Nancy, she delivered a very exciting presentation to motivate new ComJOBB guys in Chinatown, New York in Nov.19, 2011 after she got her Broker License from the Director of JFK Port at the beginning of November, 2011.

Ms. Chi, a charismatic Cantonese lady and a fashion designer with a Bachelor degree from Fashion Institute of Technology in New York, who proudly passed the exam at her first attendance in the exam in April 4, 2011, was sharing her success story with the guys in the new ComJOBB session in May 7, 2011 at Chinatown, New York. Now, Ms. Chi is a big manager in a leading customs brokerage company in New York, New York.

Mr. Terry, a Chinese American from Malaysia, who proudly passed the exam at his first attendance in the broker exam in April 4, 2011,is now working with a big import & wholesale supplier in the City of New York. Now, Mr. Terry is a big manager in a leading global logistics company in Jersey City, NJ.

Mr. Joseph, Chinese Community Leader, the Chairman of Taiwanese Association in Greater New York Area, who proudly passed the exam at his first attendance in the broker exam in April 4, 2011. He was sharing his happy and fruitful experiences with ComJOBB guys in Sept., 20, 2011 in Flushing, New York. He has been running his own customs brokerage business for many years in great New York area.

Ms.Yu, a beautiful Wenzhounese girl and a graduate from Baruch College CUNY, proudly passed the exam at her first attendance in the broker exam in April 4, 2011. Now Wenzhounese importers and exporters in Greater New York Area have their own trustworthy customs broker since the year 2012. Now, she is a big manager in a leading customs brokerage company in New York, New York.

Mr. Lin, a 25-year-old Fuzhounese with a diploma from FDR High School in Brooklyn, New York, proudly passed the customs broker exam in April 4, 2011.
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(III) Hundreds of Successful Stories…….

Courtesy Warning Messages:
Customs Broker Program may not be applicable to some people, and please remember, choosing a powerful service provider is essential in order to pass customs broker exam. Stepping into a wrong program will result in ultimate failure of your performance in the exam, no matter how many times and how hard you may try. ComJOBB Center is a national leader in customs broker exam training with unparallel success records.

康捷2007年的三位学员都成为海关报关师。康捷美国金钥匙报关师培训难以被模仿的独特优势是什么 ?

在大纽约地区大洛杉矶地区, 不管是众多的物流报关用人单位, 还是康捷的模仿者, 都始终不移地信奉康捷培养的毕业生是全美国这个行业最好的人才。
想要弄清楚, 康捷美国金钥匙对比其它培训机构有什么独特优势, 需要仔细观看这一个视频。
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康捷2007年的三位学员都成为海关报关师。康捷美国金钥匙报关师培训难以被模仿的独特优势是什么 ?
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有读者问: 有某公司关于报关师培训的职业规划(如下图)做得非常吸引人, 是否说明对方有培训实力 ?

→ STEP 5 成为进口公司经理/成为物流公司经理/成为律师/开报关行

康捷回答: 明白人只需要用眼睛粗略扫一下上面的程序, 很快就会发现上面的东西漏洞百出。

错误漏洞二: 成为报关行经理, 并不需要是 CUSTOMS BROKER; 是 CUSTOMS BROKER, 即使有经验也不能保证当上报关行经理
错误漏洞三: 成为进口公司经理/成为物流公司经理/成为律师, 并不需要是 CUSTOMS BROKER

来康捷参加报关培训的学员中, 有很多同学来报名时本身就已经是进口公司经理老板/物流公司经理老板/报关行经理 。

想一想, 短短三行字, 居然出现至少三处明显的概念错误, 这家培训公司的实力岂不是一目了然了吗 ?

准备报关师考试, 就是要准确理解法律概念。

某公司的培训实力都「厉害」成这样, 还有人去交钱做「慈善」, 真是「善哉」「善哉」。

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有读者问: 有某公司关于报关师培训的职业规划(如下图)做得非常吸引人, 是否说明对方有培训实力 ?
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有读者问: 有某培训公司强调把他们上课的录像反复回放加速理解, 就可以通过报关师考试, 是否真的有效果 ?

康捷回答: 其实结果恰恰相反, 这些录像看得越多, 越通不过报关师考试 。

在回答上一个问题的时候, 我们知道该公司写的三行广告就有三个明显的概念错误。同样, 明白人只需要粗略听一听该公司任何教学录像, 很快就发现里面有许多听起来似是而非, 但其实是严重概念错误的东西, 非常容易误导别人, 这些错误的东西听/看得越多, 反而中毒越深, 离通过报关师考试越远。

而且这些录像的内容非常乏味, 条理性非常差, 正常的人一遍也看不下去, 硬着头皮看15分钟就撑不下去了, 更谈不上能够反反复复地看。

因为职业关系, 康捷每个月都能收到一些在该培训公司交钱参加报关师培训的朋友的电话, 告诉我们, 他们在某培训公司学了一个月左右就再也学不下了, 这些人中有一些学历其实非常不错, 比如说毕业于 UCSD, Queens College。

外行看热闹, 内行看门道。为什么某培训公司经验介绍都是 online 举办的, 前些年的那么多年也不像最近一年有 COVID-19 流行, 主要原因在于: 介绍经验的人都是托儿, 在教室里面对面骗人终归有点心虚, 再说, 某培训公司已经报名参加培训的人通常上几节课以后就学不下去走人了, 教室里面永远只剩下稀稀拉拉几个人, 拍出来的录像挺「撑」面子的, 里子岂不露出来了吗 ?

相信反复看录像管用, 就像相信买几盘太极宗师的教学录像, 每天反复看反复练习, 坚持一年半载就可以成为太极宗师一样可笑。

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有读者问: 有某培训公司强调把他们上课的录像反复回放加速理解, 就可以通过报关师考试, 是否真的有效果 ?
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有读者问: 有公司在网站上声称完成某些培训机构完成一些课程,将获得20学分, 这些是不是他们的培训课程有效果的直接可靠证据 ?
康捷回答: 这恰恰是证明其培训不怎么样的可靠证据。针对很多误导性的信息, 美国海关特别指出美国海关不提供海关考试培训, 不承认任何学校的学分或证书, 不承认任何私人行业协会颁发的任何专业人士经验证明文件。能不能够成为报关师, 完全以是否符合美国海关报关师的条件为准。多此一举说完成他们的课程,将获得20学分, 其动机是什么, "你懂的"。
->> Hide (有读者问: 有公司在网站上声称完成某些培训机构完成一些课程,将获得20学分, 这些是不是他们的培训课程有效果的直接可靠证据 ?)
有读者问: 有公司在网站上声称完成某些培训机构完成一些课程,将获得20学分, 这些是不是他们的培训课程有效果的直接可靠证据 ?
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有读者问: 有公司在网站上贴一些考试成绩单复印件, 上面都有90多分的, 这些是不是他们的培训课程有效果的直接可靠证据 ?
康捷回答: 在网站上贴一些考试成绩单复印件恰恰是证明其培训没有任何效果的可靠证据。

读者问: 此话怎讲 ?
康捷回答: 首先, 这个成绩单复印件的真实性值得怀疑, 复印件很容易做假。其次, 这个学员是不是真的是这家公司接受培训考出来的也值得怀疑。有人骗受害人, 说可以帮忙介绍好工作, 需要成绩单复印件, 就像要一份简历一样。所以, 在网站上贴多少成绩单复印件都不能证明任何东西。华人有句老话, 叫 “欲盖弥彰”, 描述的就是这种情况。
下面是一份成绩单复印件样本, 大家可以把它COPY下来, 简单PS操作可以立马制作几十份“成功证据” 。不会PS的朋友可以马上联系康捷安排免费学PS 。

->> Hide (有读者问: 有公司在网站上贴一些考试成绩单复印件, 上面都有90多分的, 这些是不是他们的培训课程有效果的直接可靠证据 ?)
有读者问: 有公司在网站上贴一些考试成绩单复印件, 上面都有90多分的, 这些是不是他们的培训课程有效果的直接可靠证据 ?
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How to avoid fraudulent training programs ? How to choose the one-stop most powerful customs broker program ?
如何識別報關培訓陷阱, 如何挑選最強的報關師考試培訓班 ?
Confidential information disclosed from many insiders and victims: one company running a customs broker training program located in New Jersey, the pass rate is consistently zero during a 5-year period; another company running a similar program located in Flushing, always claims the pass rate for customs broker exam is at least 70%, the actual pass rate is ironically stuck at zero level during a 10-year period. Many “ smart victims ” in New York and California felt being foolishly scammed. 新澤西某公司5年報關培訓考試通过率為零, 法拉盛某公司10年報關考試通过率為接近零, 大紐約和加州許多“聰明人”欲哭無淚。請記住, 參加報關師培訓走錯“門”, 只會給您留下羞辱受騙的感覺。你會感覺欺騙你的人,簡直就是把你當傻子耍。

據統計, 學報關被騙的 “聰明人” 99%都是因為貪小便宜。為幫助大家避免金錢損失及耽誤事業前程, 康捷美國金鑰匙免費送 鄧小平黑貓白貓理論 Result-oriented直選法(直接到對方網站數一數共有多少明確說明已通過報關考試的大頭人像,數字越大,說明培訓班實力越強; 數字越小,說明實力越小; 數字接近零,說明實力和經驗也接近零),幫大家選擇報關培訓走對“門”。

鄧小平黑貓白貓理論 Result-oriented直選法工作原理:
每個培訓班一定有很多學員, 每個學員都有好多本地同學和朋友。有幸通過報關師考試是件非常自豪的事情。考上清華北大, 考上哈佛哥大, 誰不喜歡吹一吹。考上全美這麼難考的報關師考試, 誰不喜歡吹一吹。 考不出來想吹也很難, 大頭人像難作假。誠然, 會有部分學員考出來後不願秀臉, 但許多學員還是非常願意和大家共享喜悅, 有頭有面好風光。全美國只有康捷美國金鑰匙有這樣可以吹的本錢, 已培養近650名學員成為在业報關師。

該方法可以過濾掉許多虛幻的迷惑人的東西。 比如, 答應幫助開報關公司, 事實上考不出來一切都無從談起。 又比如, 有公司不斷舉辦各種社區活動增加“知名度”, 邀請不明真相的社區 活躍人士或不明真相的其他機構如商會等來站台背書, 這些都只是商業促銷行為, 用來忽悠同樣不明真相的“聰明人”。 還比如, 有公司反复邀請“聰明人”來多次試聽, 這其實只是從側面證明該公司沒有口碑而用心良苦。 凡此種種,都不能證明該公司有報關培訓的實力, 而相反恰恰證明了該公司沒有培訓報關的實力。

鄧小平黑貓白貓理論 Result-oriented 直選法應用準則, 如何確認 Valid 大頭照 ?
每一種方法都要知道會用, 才有效果。否則, 如果不會如何確認valid大頭照, 該方法也會被誤用。
  • 大頭照必須是當年最好是當期在教室里拍的照片。

  • 比如, 大紐約僑界圈內人士最近流傳, 有某公司登出來幾張大頭照, 其中3張照片居然是2009年6月~9月的學生, 自那時起到2011年10月共有5次考試機會。有“恆心”考這麼久, 真的要“恭喜”。出現這種情況, 已經不需要繼續數大頭照了, 答案其實已經有了。
  • 大頭照不能是生活照, 這樣的照片可能是假的。因為可能是其本人毫不知情被盜用的照片。

  • 在海關考試成績公佈以前就貼出的照片不能算作valid大頭照, 只能說是別有用心, 要繼續忽悠“聰明人”配合騙錢。

  • 比如, 2011年10月報關師考試成績直到11月30日美國海關還沒有正式公佈, 法拉盛某公司10月底11月初就聲稱誰誰誰已通過2011年10月報關師考試, 這只能證明是一個明顯的騙局。海外華人明目張膽地騙華人, 真是情何以堪 !
    再比如, 2011年10月在康捷通过考试的Kerry 同学看到法拉盛某培训学校没有任何人通过2018年10月报关师考试, 受到蛊惑接受好处费后, 居然也同骗子合起来唱双簧, 在2018年11月 拍了一个录像, 蒙骗不明真相的华人。

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大紐約僑界物流報關圈內人士無人不知, 報關考試難, 想過關必須找張博士 !