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How to Become a New York State Licensed Teacher
    Candidates are required to achieve passing scores on the Liberal Arts and Sciences Test (LAST), the elementary or the secondary version of the Assessment of Teaching Skills—Written (ATS–W), and a Content Specialty Test (CST) in their area of certification.

Liberal Arts and Sciences Test (LAST)
    The LAST consists of multiple-choice questions and a written assignment. Examinees are asked to demonstrate conceptual and analytical skills, critical-thinking and communication skills, and multicultural awareness. The test covers scientific, mathematical, and technological processes; historical and social scientific awareness; artistic expression and the humanities; communication and research skills; and written analysis and expression.

Elementary Assessment of Teaching Skills— Written (ATS–W)
    The Elementary ATS–W consists of multiple-choice questions and a written assignment. The Elementary ATS–W measures professional and pedagogical knowledge at the Early Childhood (birth–grade 2) and Childhood (grades 1–6) levels.

Secondary Assessment of Teaching Skills— Written (ATS–W)
    The Secondary ATS–W consists of multiple-choice questions and a written assignment. The Secondary ATS–W measures professional and pedagogical knowledge at the Middle Childhood (grades 5–9) and Adolescence (grades 7–12) levels.

Content Specialty Tests (CSTs)
    The CSTs consist of multiple-choice questions and a written assignment. The CSTs for languages other than English include recorded listening and/or speaking components and writing components. CSTs measure knowledge and skills in the content area of the candidate’s field of certification.

Starting Salaries
    Salaries are based on prior teaching experience as well as undergraduate and graduate degrees. As of May 2008, starting teacher salaries range from $45,530 (bachelor’s degree, no prior teaching experience) to $74,796 (master’s degree, 8 years teaching experience). Teachers who already have a master’s degree but no teaching experience will start at $51,425.

    With annual increases plus increases for additional coursework, teachers' salaries will rise to the current maximum of $100,049 per year over time. Teachers are paid on a semi-monthly basis on or about the first and the 16th of each month.

什么叫代课老师 Substitute Teacher ?

    Substitute Teachers perform the instructional and classroom management processes for regular teachers who are absent for a day or longer periods of time. 说得直白一点, 就是当公立学校里正式在编上岗的老师 (regular teacher), 因为生病或者其他原因临时有事不能上班, 这个时候就需要代课老师临时代课。代课老师的薪水, 按照代课时间记酬。 所以说, 当上了代课老师, 其实跟没有工作差别并不是很大。 也可以说, 代课老师, 好像是一份工作, 但也真的不能算是一份工作。

    紐約州每年有很多大學生從學校畢業,其中很多無法找到穩定的工作,教師職位是很有一定吸引力的,難道他們都視而不見嗎 ? 非也,祇因資格考試非常難通過,特別是LAST考試很難通過。如果LAST考試很容易通過,那麼早就不會缺教師了。除非你在學校時是一個優秀學生,否則,你將很難通過,準備幾年時間能不能過都難講。如果有人告訴你很容易過,那祇是因為想要騙你的錢。

    所以,如果有人要為您提供一個PACKAGE服務,承諾幫助你同時準備通過LAST和ATS-W這兩個考試,並且一次向您收取全部費用,100%肯定最后你会失望。 因為十有八九都是卡在LAST上,LAST不能先通過,準備所有其他都是在做無用功。


    原來在大陸或台灣的主修是藝術、音樂、中文的人,基本上需要努力至少2至3年才有非常渺茫的希望通過LAST考試。主修是藝術、音樂的人即使有美國的藝術或音樂碩士學位,比其他人更難通過LAST考試。即使最終取得藝術或音樂教師執照,因為這些職位需求少,也不容易被聘用。原來在大陸或台灣是學中文的人,主要問題在於英語太糟糕,加上通常年齡偏大,通過LAST考試的希望非常渺茫。法拉盛有人聲稱考試通過率100%,專門吸引一些对自己的情况不能客观评估, 对考试难度也不能客观评估,其實是别有用心。

How to Become a Teaching Assistant
    A high school/general equivalency diploma and a qualifying score on the Assessment of Teaching Assistant Skills (ATAS), or the Liberal Arts and Sciences Test (LAST) prior to employment PLUS completion of Child Abuse Identification and School Violence Prevention and Intervention Workshops prior to employment AND obtained a Teaching Assistant Level I Certificate as issued by the State Education Department. NCLB, as a federal program, has more requirements than New York State. By January 8, 2006, all Teaching Assistants working in a school that receives federal Title I funds must possess at least: an Associates Degree, or two years of college level study (48 credits), or pass a formal skills assessment test.

想成为纽约州公校教师助理, 只需要
    (1)有高中学历 High School Diploma,
    (2)通过政府举办的助教资格考试 Assessment of Teaching Assistant Skills, 并
    (3)通过背景调查 pass background check,
    就可以拿到初级教师助理证书, 有资格到公立小学/初中/高中上岗。

    在公立学校里面, 地位最高的, 薪水最高, 感觉最好是有授课权的正式上岗执照教师; 薪水处于第二个层次是学校社工 School social worker, 薪水范围在3万~10万美元之间; 再下面就是教师助理, 平均年薪2万8千美元。所以, 如果有幸成为教师助理, 一定要学会调整好自己的心情, 时刻保持谦虚谨慎乐观向上的心态。

谁最有可能获得公立学校校长的提名 ? 公校校长最有可能提名什么样的人做教师助理 ?
    虽然教师助理薪资不高, 但是目前大学生每年毕业的数量很多, 大学生就业难度很大, 考助教证书比较容易, 只要考过新SAT超过 950 分的同学, 不需要任何准备就可以一次通过, 所以校长提名推荐的选择面非常大。大量统计数据表明, 校长特别喜欢, 拥有正规大学毕业, 比如纽约州立大学, Hunter College 刚毕业的年轻大学生, 英文表达以及其他能力都非常强。在康捷学报关的同学中, 就有不少刚从 Stony Brook University 毕业的年轻大学生, 当时正在公立小学做教师助理。只要是学校系统, 不管是在中国还是在美国, 不管是在纽约还是在加州, 不管是在大学还是在初中小学, 想要在里面某一份工作, 硬碰硬的正规好学校文凭是基本要求, 学校就是最讲究文凭的地方。只要是有一点带野鸡味的文凭, 想进公立学校谋求一份工作, 困难都非常大。

All candidates who apply on or after February 2, 2004, for a credential to work as a teaching assistant in New York State must submit evidence to a school district of having achieved a qualifying score 220 on the ATAS.

Assessment of Teaching Assistant Skills (ATAS), formerly called the New York State Assessment of Teaching Assistant Skills (NYSATAS), is available on all NYSTCE test dates and at all sites available on those dates. The ATAS consists of multiple-choice questions in the areas of reading, writing, mathematics, and instructional support.

自从2004年, 康捷康捷美國金钥匙已成功策劃培養近20位學員成為公立學校教師,其中部分如下,

Ms Amy學員, 2007年公立学校教师执照培训班学员,华东师范大学英語系學士,美國教育碩士,2008年成為公立學校教師,右為康捷中心職業規劃導師。

Ms Candy, 2007年康捷美國金钥匙公立学校教师执照培训班学员,台湾大学本科, 芝加哥大学教育碩士,為新學員介紹康捷經驗,2008年成為公立學校教師, 左為康捷中心職業規劃導師。

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預約 1-888-666-1680 張博士 Ph.D. from New York University